There’s a moment, isn’t there, when you know something special is about to happen. A beat of pure anticipation before you tip over the edge into delight.

It’s lying in wait at the top of a rollercoaster or in a spring garden about to burst into bloom. It’s in the conductor’s silent upbeat at the start of the symphony or in the moment you first make eye contact with a beautiful stranger.

I’m addicted to those moments— a delicious ménage à trois of desire, excitement, and wonder— so I’ve shaped a life as a companion in the windy city pursuing them. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this pursuit led me swiftly away from Main Street, and down a decidedly unconventional path. But then, I’ve always been something of a non-conformist: an earl grey in a sea of skinny lattes; silk lingerie in the world of polyester thongs.

As I quickly discovered, being a companion suited me: I’m a Romantic in every sense. My bookshelves are stuffed with Byron, Browning, and Shelley and I’m at my happiest year when getting lost in the past— whether that’s in history books, record stores, thrift shops, or antique markets. I’m drawn to things with a good story to tell (and if you ask me very nicely I might tell you some of my own too). Otherwise, you’ll find me browsing my local art galleries, spontaneously seeing a flick on a Tuesday evening, or writing bad poetry in coffee shops. Mine is the world of creativity and passion, the sublime and sensual— with a healthy dollop of debauchery for good measure.

But those seeking an ornament for a pedestal might find themselves disappointed. Like a modern day Lizzy Siddal, I’m a muse second and an artist first. My work is featured in major publications and online spaces, and my outlook is shaped by my practice. I make beautiful things because beauty matters to me. Besides, creating art has always been how I understood the world, and I find endless inspiration in new people, places, and sensations. Perhaps we could inspire one another?

If so, some final things to tell you: I’m a hater of small talk* and a lover of adventuring; an adorer of well-chosen gifts and an admirer of a perfectly made corsetry; an idler in bubble baths and a life-long student of my creative endeavors; a believer in magic and a devourer of cult classics. And of course, a dedicated collector of those moments where two people realize they’re just about to… click.

Disclaimer: While I believe my tattoos are tasteful (delicate flora and fauna type of gal) and I am by no means heavily tattooed, this certainly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

* While small talk is necessary for getting to know one another and catching up, having real conversations is what charms my socks off (or my stockings off, if we’re being honest).


Age: 30s
Height: 5 feet, 8 inches
Eye color: Hazel brown
Zodiac: Scorpio
Favorite color: Dark cherry red
Favorite drink: Loose leaf tea
Favorite scents: Sacré & Annibal from Officine Universelle Buly
Favorite pastimes: films, reading, traveling, living in coffee shops, fine and not-so-fine dining, working out

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”

— Mark Twain